Caring for a Loved One with Dementia Resenha crítica

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Caring for a Loved One with Dementia - resenha crítica

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13 usuários pediram este microbook

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ISBN: 1626251576

Sobre o microbook

Caring for a Loved One with Dementia is a unique and compassionate guide that offers an effective mindfulness-based dementia care (MBDC) program to help you meet your own needs and lower stress levels while caring for your loved one.Caring for a loved one with dementia can be extremely stressful. This essential guide provides skills for dealing with the accompanying emotional and physical stress, and offers tools to help you manage your own needs, in addition to the needs of your loved one. Dementia is a cruel disease that can leave both the sufferer—and those who care about them—reeling. But in the midst of the pain, the mindfulness practices in this book will help you find strength and meaning in each moment you spend with your loved one.The unique program in this book addresses two of the most important needs caregivers face: stress reduction and greater ease in providing care. In addition, you will learn to approach your care with a calm, centered presence, respond to your loved one instead of reacting, and learn to connect with your loved one beyond their words. Perhaps most importantly, you will learn to effectively manage the grief, anger, depression, and other emotions that are often associated with dementia care.Both practical and compassionate, this book will be a comfort during your loved one's illness.

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